Adding Decimals Subtracting Decimals Multiplying Decimals Dividing Decimals Percent to a Fraction Fraction to a Decimal Decimal to a Percent Percent to a Decimal Fraction to a Percent Fraction Percents Percent of a Number Sales Tax Adding Fractions Subtracting Fractions Multiplying Fractions Dividing Fractions Negative Numbers Exponents Square Roots One-Step Equations Two-Step Equations Proportions Word Problems Quantitative Problems Percent Problems Perimeter Series Problems Averages Area & Volume U.S. Measurement Metric Measurement Degrees in a Triangle
English Topics Covered:
Subjects and Verbs Direct Objects Capitalization Rules There vs. Their vs. They’re Personal Pronouns Comma Rules It’s vs. Its You’re vs. Your Prepositions Prepositional Phrases Subject-Verb Agreement Quotation Rules Neither and Nor Farther vs. Further Identifying Adjectives Identifying Adverbs Reading Comprehension Less vs. Fewer Should Have and Could Have Punctuation Rules Logic Problems To vs. Too Who’s vs. Whose Good vs. Well Past Participles Lie vs. Lay Who vs. Whom Double Negatives Parallel Sentence Structure Possessive Pronouns Singular and Plural Possession Vocabulary
Please Note: This is not the same workbook we use for our HSPT prep course.